Stacey Bartlett, President - Ext. 2243
Carrie Roberson, Vice President - Ext. 2534
Christine Trolinger, Treasurer - Ext. 2534
Vacant, Secretary
Magian Smith, Administrative Secretary - Ext. 2538
September 3, 2014
SENATE BYLAWS Adjustment May 2014
AP 3950 Emeritus DRAFT (back to Academic Senate)
AP 4110 DRAFT Honorary Degrees
AP 4240 DRAFT Academic Renewal
November 5, 2014
2014 Facilities Master Plan - DRAFT Oct. 2014 - v.5.1
2014-2020 Technology Master Plan - DRAFT
BP & AP 4105 - Distance Education
AP 4500 - News Media Produced by the District
Student Equity Plan - DRAFT Oct. 30, 2014
November 19, 2014
Outcomes Assessment Plan (Oct 2014)
Outcomes Assessment Plan Presentation (Nov 2014)
2014-2020 Technology Master Plan - NEW DRAFT
December 3, 2014
AP 4500 - News Media Produced by the District - REVISED
AP 4230 - Grading and Academic Record Symbols
February 4, 2015
BP 2515 - Relationship with Academic Senate
2014 Facilities Master Plan - DRAFT Jan. 2015 - v.6.2
March 4, 2015
AP 4025 - Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education - DRAFT
AP 4230 - Grading and Academic Record Symbols - DRAFT
April 1, 2015
Resolution for Associate Faculty Office Hours
2016-2017 Academic Calendar Tentative Option 1
2016-2017 Academic Calendar Tentative Option 2